What Is It?
The American Lutheran Church of Sun City Trusts was created by congregational action on April 27, 1981 and revised January 31, 1991 to provide a method of making gifts in perpetuity. It is intended to function forever to the greater glory of God by helping American Lutheran Church fulfill its mission of worshipping God and proclaiming the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Money received by the ALC Trusts is retained in the fund, invested, and administered by a Trust Committee, elected by the church membership and operated under the supervision of the Congregation Council.
Why Should I Give?
Gifts made to the ALC Trusts allow the church to fulfill its mission, and afford the donor many tax advantages.
How Can I Give?
Gifts of money, securities, property, or other assets may be made to the ALC Trusts while living or as a testamentary gift in your will.
Testamentary Gift
To make a gift by will, see your attorney and have language similar to the following incorporated into your will or added to it by codicil:
“I give and bequeath to the American Lutheran Church of Sun City Trusts, Sun City, Arizona, the sum of $ .”
In addition, you may make a gift by naming the American Lutheran Church of Sun City Trusts as beneficiary of your life insurance.
Living Gift
While living, a donor may choose to make an outright gift to the ALC Trusts. In addition, the gift generously given to the ALC Trusts can allow the donor to retain the income from your gift during their lifetime.
Donative Sale
A gift to the ALC Trusts may also be made by way of a donative sale whereby the ALC Trusts buys your property at less than market value so that you may recover your investment.
What Happens To My Gifts?
All gifts and bequests to the American Lutheran Church of Sun City Trusts and all undesignated gifts to the Memorial Fund become a part of the ALC Trusts assets, except:
1. Specifically designated gifts to causes approved by the Congregation Council, such as, without limitation thereto, “Perpetual Fund,” “Memorial & Gift Fund,” etc. Such gifts are forwarded directly to the designated agency or deposited to the account designated for the specific cause as the case may be.
2. Payments received against members’ pledges and loose collection plate offerings.
In other words, all receipts by American Lutheran Church of Sun City Trusts are added to the ALC Trusts’ assets and invested, except as noted in 1 and 2 above.
Where Can I Get More Information?
The Senior Pastor, Operations Coordinator, or any member of the Trusts Committee will be glad to answer any questions you may have.
The legal and tax discussions in this brochure are of a general nature. Before taking any action you should consult your tax advisor or attorney.