Greeters make everyone feel welcome. Two volunteers are needed for each service as well as special events. All members are encouraged to become greeters for worship services. It is a great way to become familiar with other members as well as with our visitors. Hospitality makes a difference. A smiling face and an encouraging word are very important ways to extend a warm welcome to all, especially to ALC visitors. Angy Felcyn is the Greeters coordinator.
Men and women are always needed to join the Usher Team. Several ushers are required for each service using a rotating schedule. Part-time residents also find this a meaningful way to serve. One of the joys of being an usher is making new friends. They assist in distributing bulletins, seating people, and receiving the offering. Carole Alexander is the Ushers coordinator.
Lay Readers
Individuals from the congregation are invited to participate in worship services on Saturday or Sunday by reading the lesson(s) for that day. Anyone who likes to read and can speak clearly is invited to perform this function during services. A list of readers is drawn up in advance for each service, and the readings are sent to individuals prior to their assigned time so the lesson can be prepared and rehearsed. Help is available in pronouncing difficult words. Dr. James Gerber is the coordinator for Lay Readers.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the communion elements and maintaining the altar and chancel area. Three persons serve each month. This is a special spiritual service to the entire congregation. New members are always welcome and needed. Judy Gorblirsch is the altar guild coordinator.
Communion Assistants
At American Lutheran Church (ALC), we believe that Holy Communion is a central part of worshipping God. We have Holy Communion every weekend. Communion Assistants distribute the bread or wine alongside the Pastors during those services and bring communion to those in attendance who can not come forward to receive the sacrament. Dr. James Gerber is the coordinator for Communion Assistants.