Church Council
The Congregational Council oversees the life and activities of American Lutheran Church. It ensures the church follows the Word of God and the faith and practices of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The people on the council are to lead this congregation in its mission, do strategic planning, and oversee the administration, among other responsibilities as stated in the church constitution.
Council President – David Hjortland
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the communion elements and maintaining the altar and chancel area. Three persons serve each month. This is a special spiritual service to the entire congregation. New members are always welcome and needed.
Chair – James Gerber
The Fellowship committee serves at the coffee hour on Sunday morning and other social events – potlucks, pie socials, and other special receptions. They also oversee the Prison Ministry Angel Tree gifts for children at Christmas. This committee provides opportunities for all members to build new relationships.
Chair – Madeline Niccore
The Finance Committee provides financial oversight of the American Lutheran Church. They meet monthly to maintain accurate records, make recommendations to the council, anticipate expenses, develop financial strategies, and select an auditor, among other responsibilities.
Chair – Arlene Logan
Gifts & Memorials
The Gifts and Memorials committee oversees the distribution of non-budgeted financial gifts left to the congregation. They also ensure that any designated gifts are given to such programs. Anyone in the congregation can fill out an application to help cover the cost of any ministry.
Chair – Ron Prekker
Mutual Ministries
The Mutual Ministries Committee affirms and strengthens the mission of the congregation and the ministry of the staff through listening and clarifying, sharing and communicating, reviewing and reflecting. Committee members: Pastor Scott Klimke, Alan Olson, Dick Jorgenson, Glen Schulz, Kathleen Helm, Linda Shirck, and Terri Polk.
Parish Education & Evangelism
The Parish Education and Evangelism committee do two different ministries. They provide resources to help educate the congregation on Biblical, cultural, and social matters. Also, they help market ALC, connect with the community, and invite people into congregational life.
Chair – Louise Sosa
The Personnel Committee oversees the employment of all staff at American Lutheran Church. They ensure the church complies with all state and federal work-related regulations.
Chair – Judy Erickson
Property & Grounds
The Property and Grounds Committee takes care of the church facility, seeks contractors, and helps ALC’s Property and Grounds Manager. They make sure ALC’s building and property are hospitable for everyone.
Chair – Pete Oppedahl
Social Ministry
The Social Ministry Committee determines the recipients and the funding amounts of the church’s giving to recipient organizations.
Chair – Patti Phillips
The Stewardship Committee encourages plans and educates the congregation regarding how to support American Lutheran Church. This committee helps this church understand that everything we receive comes from God, and we are asked to return a portion so that the work of ministry can continue. It is from our blessings that we show an “attitude of gratitude.”
Chair – Terri Polk
Stephen Ministry
The Stephen Ministry committee recruits, trains, and organizes continuing education for Stephen Ministers. They also meet with the pastors monthly to help provide insights into the congregation’s well-being and receive direction.
Chair – Ann Skidmore
The American Lutheran Trusts Committee is responsible for managing the investments donated to the trust. They select the investment company, provide guidelines, review proposed investments, and monitor results. Funds made are then distributed to a variety of ministries.
Chair – Jack Leyse
Wednesday Night Alive
Wednesday Night Alive (WNA) has been an integral part of ALC for over 25 years. The purpose of WNA is to combine congregational fellowship with community outreach that inspires, educates, and entertains. The WNA committee plans and organizes all event activities.
Co-Chairs -Donna Borden & Deb Hjortland
Women’s Ministries
The Women’s Ministry committee organizes events for all women at ALC to participate in faith, fun, and fellowship. These events include Book Groups, Circles, WELCA Bible studies and meetings, Prayer Shawl ministry, Quilters, Holiday Bazaar, and others.
Chair – Pam Prueter